Thursday, September 11, 2014

Chief Washakie Monument, Laramie Wyoming.

This dramatic monument on the edge of the campus of the University of Wyoming commemorates Shoshone Chief Washakie, specifically noting the battle between the Shoshones and the Crows at Crow Heart Butte. 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

These photos are of the city block that is now a memorial to those who lost their lives in the tragic and senseless bombing of the Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City.  It's a powerful, and moving, memorial.

The view from the memorial, looking at Oklahoma City U.S. Federal Building and Courthouse, with the steeple of St. Joseph's Old Cathedral visible to the right.

A panoramic photograph of the reflection pool, with memorials to each of those who lost their lives in the attack.

The former playground of the Murrah building.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Holscher's Hub: In Memorium

Holscher's Hub: In Memorium:

Flags at half mast, at Casper College, in memory of Chief Warrant Officer 3 Andrew McAdams, 27, killed when an MC-12 reconnaissance aircraft crashed in Afghanistan during a nighttime mission on January 14, 2014.