Showing posts with label MKTH Photograph. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MKTH Photograph. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Hall County Texas World War Two, Korean War, Vietnam War and Gulf War Memorial.

Yesterday we featured the Hall County, Texas Civil War and World War One Memorial.  Today we have their memorials for the series of wars following the Great War.

Note how many names appear for the Second World War.

Again, MKTH photograph.

Civil War and World War One Memorial, Hall County (Memphis) Texas

The Hall County, Texas memorial in Memphis Texas was dedicated in 1924 in honor of the veterans of that county who had served in the Civil War, and World War One.  MKTH Photo.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Pro Patria, French War Memorial

As with many French memorials, this war memorial was originally for the dead of World War One but was later added to so that those of World War Two could be additionally included.

MKTH photo.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Henri Guillaumet, Pilot from Ligne

A memorial in Ligne, France, to Henri Guillaumet, a pilot who lost his life in World War Two.

The memorial was placed on the 50th anniversary of his death.

MKTH photograph.

Monday, February 18, 2019

In memory of Paul Vincent.

A monument to Paul Vincent, who was arrested on May 12, 1944, deported to Nevengamme, and who died at Bergen Belsen on April 13, 1945.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Friday, February 15, 2019

Monument to returning partisans, France.

A French monument to six French partisans who returned by parachute and lost their lives on May 9, 1944.

I'm unfamiliar with this incident, but a large percentage of these operations were unsuccessful due to the penetration of the British SOE by the Germans. The SOE was only one of several British secret service organizations during the war and was not a full time professional one.  Following the war it investigated the penetration and somewhat, but not fully, determined what had occurred, although it also operated to cover up the event as well.

This monument indicates that the captured Frenchmen were deported to Germany where they must have been subsequently executed at some point.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

French War Memorial, Reconnaissante France.

French war memorial in  Reconnaissante France.  Like many of these memorials, this one had the names of the World War Two war dead added following the Second World War.

MKTH photographs.

Friday, January 25, 2019

French village war memorial for World War One.

A memorial in a French village to its World War One dead.  Note the number of names on the memorial.  No wonder the memory of the Great War is so alive in France.

MKTH photographs.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

French Military Museum at The Invalides

These are photographs of the absolutely incredible museum at The Invalides, a structure which was originally a French hospital but which was converted by Napoleon to military use.

All photographs by MKTH.

The amount of material at this museum, including these cannons, is absolutely incredible  Everything from and about French military history can be found there.

These are small artillery models.  Incredibly detailed.

Model soldiers depicting Napoleonic Wars era troops.

Martial musical instruments.

Coat and hat of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Napoleon's hat.

Napoleon's horse.

Portrait of Napoleon as Emperor of France.

Russian uniforms of the World War One and civil war period.

This uniform reflects the typical French uniform of the Franco Prussian War period on to early in World War One.

Uniform of German landser, World War One, post 1915, with Maxim 08 machine gun.

M1916 German helmet with death's head, as used by Freikorps units.

Polish uniforms circa World War One.

American Army uniform as worn in Siberia by American troops committed to Russia during World War One.

Flag of French forces that were committed to Russia from 1914 to 1919.

World War One era French cavalry display.