Showing posts with label Montana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Montana. Show all posts

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Today In Wyoming's History: Battle of the Rosebud Battlefield, Montana.

Today In Wyoming's History: Battle of the Rosebud Battlefield, Montana.

Battle of the Rosebud Battlefield, Montana.

The Battle of the Rosebud was an important June 1876 battle that came, on June 17, just days prior to the Battle of the Little Big Horn.  Fought by the same Native American combatants, who crossed from their Little Big Horn encampment to counter 993 cavalrymen and mule mounted infantrymen who had marched north from Ft. Fetterman, Wyoming, at the same time troops under Gen. Terry, including Custer's command, were proceeding west from Ft. Abraham Lincoln.  Crook's command included, like Terry's, Crow scouts, and he additionally was augmented soon after leaving Ft. Fetterman by Shoshoni combatants.

The battlefield today is nearly untouched.

Called the Battle Where the Sister Saved Her Brother, or the Battle Where the Girl Saved Her Brother, like Little Big Horn, it was a Sioux and Arapaho victory, although it did not turn into an outright disaster like Little Big Horn. Caught in a valley and attacked, rather than attacking into a valley like Custer, the Army took some ground and held its positions, and then withdrew.  Crook was effectively knocked out of action for the rest of the year and retreated into the Big Horn mountains in Wyoming.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Courthouses of the West: Fallon County Courthouse, Baker Montana

Courthouses of the West: Fallon County Courthouse, Baker Montana:

Fallon County Courthouse, Baker Montana

This is the Fallon County Courthouse, which also houses the county and city offices and the county library, in Fallon County Montana. The building is located in the county seat of Baker.

I was obviously there in the middle of winter, and on a cold day at that.

An American Legion dedicated flag pole is in front of the courthouse, dedicated to the veterans of all wars.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Monuments in Lewistown, Montana

Lewistown Montana, which I recently went through, has a nice assortment of public monuments, several of which I missed, including a veterans park. Therefore, this is only a selection of the monuments that are located there.

The Fergus County Courthouse has a nice selection of monuments, at least one of which I was too hurried to photograph. This one is probably a post WWI vintage monument, but recalls the veterans of all wars. 

This is the first time I've seen a memorial of this type.  It's to Pioneer Freighters of Central Montana.

This is a park in Lewistown, which appears to feature retired heavy ordnance.  The gun appears to be a 155 Long Tom of WWII vintage, while the missle is a Minuteman, I think.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Little Big Horn Battlefield

This thread at the Society of the Military Horse website features some photos I took a while back at the Little Big Horn Battlefield.

The site also includes a National Cemetery.