The following servicemen are listed on the Memorial:
For the Battle of Red Buttes and Platte Bridge Station:
1st Lt. Caspar W Collins
Sgt Amos J Custard
Jesse Antram
Andrew Baker
James Ballau
Moses Brown
William Brown
George Camp
Harvey Craven
Adam Culp
Benjamin P Goddard
William D Gray
Martin Green
Henry Grimm
Rice B Hamilton
George Heil
Henry W Hill
August Hoppe
John Horton
William B Long
Henry Lord
George D May
George W McDonald
William H Miller
Sebastian Nehring
Jesse J Playford
Thomas Powell
Ferdinand Schafer
James W Shrader
Henry C Smith
Samuel Sproul
Harley L Stodard
Edwin Summers
Bryon Swain
Samuel Tull
William West
Thomas W Young
Jacob Zinn
John R Zinn
For the Spanish American War:
Ernest R BowkerGeorge Briggs
Morley L Hassard
Thomas Holden
Chris Kaus
Larry S Minnich
Benjamin Moore
Thomas Olson
George Rogers
Joseph M Spaeth
Lytle Wesley
Ray F Wiedmer
Charles Wilsock
For World War One:
Burt AdamsHenry G Adams
James L Altop
Clarence J Anderson
Peter Arthurs
Demetrios Asimakopoulos
Charles A Bair
Lloyd Lambon Baker
Grant M Barber
Milford H Bates
Jesse J Bays
Frank L Bean
Attilio Bendotti
Clifford W Benshoof
Edward H Bitzer
Fred Boch
Ferdinand Brandstetter
Clifford D Brown
John J Buhr
James Butler
Samuel H Callwell
Joseph W Cavender
Fred V Coe
William N Collins
Clinton A Copeland
Earl Cowen
Frank L Coziah
Walter L Crouch
John Crow
Edward Davis
Charlie O Devault
William H Dibble
Louis C Dieterich
John A Dorcheus
Fred R Dunkin
Earling F Dutt
Roy H Eaton
George E Edwards
Daniel Elieff
William G Emrich
Richard A England
Frank O Engstorm
Frank D Gallagher
Ed D Gobble
Artie N Gray
Archie B Green
Elmer F Hand
Mones J Hawley
George W Hughes
Guido Inama
Max Jeloucan
Fred Jensen
Otto C Jensen
James A Jerman
Lorenzo G Jiloca
Peter G Johnson
Earl Jones
George B Ketchum
Jesse L King
Lorence F Klegin
Lloyd W Kline
William Koisti
George C Kusel
Charles L Layland
David Llewelyn
Louis Lourand
Luke L Lowell
Octaviano Lucero
Christen J Lysberg
John Mares
Harry L Mathison
Clark N Maxey
Charles McCauley
Duncan McDonald
Arthur T McKeeman
Orville C McKim
Hinton D Miller
John C Miller
James C Minter
Frank Mobius
George H Monroe
Robert L Montgomery
Edward T Moriarty
Nichola Mrvalevich
Amen R Nafez
William M Oldham
Swantine Olson
Oakley D Overton
Vaselios Papparallis
Russell Parr
Raymond F Parry
Morton Peterson
Clifford Y Phillips
Frank J Picha
William F Pittenger
John B Prince
Charles C Rascoe
Kenneth F Riley
Fredrick C Robert
Scott R Robertson
Thomas C Ryan
Profirio T Sanchez
Louis F Schindler
George Schmitt
Raymond B Seaton
Joseph Smith
Travis L Snow
Mack W Snyder
Bollos Stathakis
Donald C Stough
Joseph Thomas
Joseph Tomich
John Tor
John C Toth
Emil Trentez
Leuven Ernest Van
Edgar Ayer Vickery
Henry F Vine
Dimitrios N Voukidis
Charles F Walker
Kyle G Walker
Frank A Washburn
John H Watts
Everette J Webster
Bernard B Wickland
Derk J Wieten
Edward Wilks
Llewelyn Willams
Loran M Woodcock
Chauncey F Yingst
For World War Two:
Earl AdamsRobert L Adams
Victor W Adams
Kenneth Adamson
Lewis H Adkins
Albert J Adler
Jack E Amberson
Paul C Amdahl
Gordon D Amundson
Marlyn B Anderson
Noble G Anderson
William R Anderson
George W Antelope
Joseph E Appelhans
Gerald J Appleby
Walter L Archibald
Richard C Arentson
William R. Armstrong
Reuben Arnold
Chester Arthur
Eugene Asay
Jay C Asker
Donovan A Astle
Orazio Aurechio
Lewis S Averill
Louis R Aylsworth
Phillip H Bacon
Russell L Bailey
Herbert H Ball
Ray T Ball
Harold W Bandemar
James P Banta
Floyd S Barfuss
Malcolm J Barnes
Don R Barney
Derrell P Barnhard
Morgan J Barton
Robert M Barylak
Clyde D Bassett
Victor C Bauer
Kenneth R Beach
Donald R Behring
Robert D Behunin
David A Bell
Robert B Bellew
Thomas G Belus
Charley E Benedict
Eugene M Benna
Charles M Bennett
Robert G Benson
Bertram L Bent
Walter F Bentley
William C Bentley
Ernest F Bergstrom
Glen W Best
Robert E Bever
John Beyda
Walker P Bidstrup
William J Birch
Joseph Bird
Robert B Birdsall
Arthur L Birleffi
Louis A Bishop
Henry Bisterfeldt
Alexander Black
Frank Black
Frank Blackburn
Merlin D Blackmore
Howard J Blind
Wayne E Bloxom
Edward R Bond
Charles T Books
Marion B Booth
Bruno Borino
Steven J Boros
Ronald O Boston
Jesse S Bowles
Joseph N Bowman
Raymond L Bowser
Kenneth T Boyce
Parker H Boyle
Robert J Bramwell
Eddie P Branch
Forest D Branch
John W Branney
Doyle W Breazeale
Harold D Brewer
Jesse E Browder
Elmer E Brown
Hugh E Brown
Johnnie Brown
Jack D Browne
Cleo N Browning
William A Brundage
George A Bryant
Bill C Buchanan
James S Buchanan
Albert D Buckner
Winiford W Bulkley
Raymond O Bunney
Darrell M Burk
Gordon Burt
Sidney Bush
Darro A Butcher
Robert L Butcher
Paul W Byrtus
August R Cacayan
George C Cage
Donald A Calnan
Edward S Calvert
James O Cannon
Benny C Cano
Charles F Carey
John A Carlson
Oren E Carlson
Everett W Carnick
William J Carollo
Dale A Carpenter
Matt Carragher
John C Carroll
Ralph B Carroll
Virgi Carson
Leroy B Carter
Martin H Carter
William Carter
Ralph L Casazza
Billy A Casey
Russell C Cash
Glenn L Casselman
Monico G Castaneda
Eleno G Castro
Guy L Chase
Fred Chavez
Rolland Chenoweth
Reno A Chiste
John Choman
Michel Chorzelski
Elmer E Christensen
Herald C Christensen
Martin Ciachino
Andrew Cichonski
Terence H Clark
Archie P Claypool
Leslie P Cles
Francis W Cline
George R Cloer
James R. Cohin
Walter Cole
Charles Collingwood
Glen D Collins
Joseph P Collopy
James R Comin
Darrell O Conner
Frank N Connolly
Robert L Connolly
Douglas W Cook
James V Cook
Max W Cook
Robert L Cook
Robert E Cooke
Everett O Coppace
Calvin W Copps
Howard C Corsberg
Joe C Costiloe
Joe L Cotter
Louis J Covington
Frank Covington
Patrick M Coy
William R Crier
Thomas R Crippen
John Cristando
Keith B Crofutt
Leon V Croxton
John P Curry
Ralph R Cusak
Chow Cuzman
Raymond Dahlman
Boyd W Darling
Lester R Daugherty
Howard E Davis
James B Davis
Claud E Dawes
Norman E De Freese
Charles R De Graw
Donald M De Groot
Burton De Loney
Marco De Mara
Bennie A De Witt
George R Dechert
Cecil L Deen
Marco Demara
George F Demple
Franklin R Dennick
John Deyda
Marion Dicken
Thompson Dicks
Joseph E Dillon
Warren Dillon
Maurice A Dinneen
Fred L Disterdick
James A Dolan
Charles R Dowler
John C Downey
Doyle F Draney
Robert L Drew
Jack Drysdale
Harold W Dugger
Richard L Dunham
Frank L Dupes
Thomas C Durham
William C Dutton
Kenneth C Dye
Carl H Ecklund
John Eichler
George R Eisele
Donald W Eisenhauer
Henry J Elliot
Elwin Elmer
Emmett B Engle
George W Eodridge
Robert B Epperson
Kenneth Erickson
Pierre A Erramouspe
Robert G Evans
William M. Evezish
Clinton W Ewen
Billie M Fairless
Robert W Farmer
Marion G Federer
Carl L Feyhl
Donald D Field
Ernest R Field
Victor J Fillin
Robert J Fillman
Delbert R Fisher
Stanley R Flesher
Elbert H Foncree
Harry Foose
William R Forrester
Fred M Foster
Ralph D Fox
Thomas V Fox
Miles P Frandsen
James T Frank
Loren M Frank
Robert A Frank
Billy D Franklin
Paul Frazier
Leonard C Freeman
Robert H French
Irvin F Fry
Raymond L Fry
Teruo Fujioka
Charles K Fulton
Allen A Fuqua
Clarence E. Gallamore
Lester A Gallus
Bruno H Ganneti
Ralph J Garcia
Salvador Garcia
Robert Gardner
Everett W Garnick
Ronald L Garkie
Dallas D Garriott
Charles Gay
Bruno H Genetti
William R Gibbons
Frank R Gilbert
John R Gilbert
Everett W Gilkison
Earl Gladman
John P Gladson
Grout C Glover
Claud Goggles
Joe H Gomez
Pedro Gomez
James G Goodman
Philo A Goodrich
Benjamin D Goodwin
Andrew Gorman
Merlen D Graf
Leo L Grass
Miles L Green
John J Greene
Lorin Gregory
Robert E Griebel
Williiam R Grier
Melvin E Groutage
Robert L Groves
Chon Guzman
Callis C Gwynn
John Habel
Harvey O Hagen
Earl C Hagerman
Lloyd N Hakeman
Harry R Hall
Otis F Halverson
Len S Hamblin
Earl B Haney
Billy D Hanks
George Hanson
Robert E Hardee
Frank S Harman
Leslie F Harper
Lloyd D Harriman
David W Harrington
Bates J Harris
Leonard J Harris
Morse G Harrison
Lawrence Harshfield
Albert M Hart
Floyd E Hart
Elmer Hartman
Otto L Hartman
Glenn M Hartzell
Richard D Harvey
Woodrow W Hasket
Gerald M Hassell
William K Haste
Reuben J Haueter
Emanuel Hauf
Archie F Haviland
Warren G Haviland
Fred C Hawkins
Stanley K Hayami
Robert E Hayen
Charles H Hayward
Stanley V Hazlett
Stuart Healy
Edward G Heath
Robert E Hedges
Bert F Hedrick
John P Hegarty
Phillip C Helms
Roy E Henderson
Owen G Hendricks
Peter V Henningsen
James R Hennon
Wilford L Henry
Ralph S Henz
Dave Hergenraeder
John L Herring
Claude W Herron
Paul F Hessenthaler
James W Higginson
Billy G Hill
Jack E Hill
Vernie Hill
James Hilton
Richard J Hines
Knoble G Hinshaw
Leonard H Hirsch
John W Hobson
Gene D Hoel
Robert B Hogan
Percival H Hollyman
Lee Holmes
Russell J Holmes
Frank E Homec
Wallace E Hooper
Jay Horton
Arthur S Hostettler
Gilbert G Housley
Leonard J Hovorka
Earl T Howard
John M Howard
Elverdo L Howarter
John W Hoy
Lester L Hoy
William D Hoyt
John S Hunter
Marcelle W Hunter
Alan Huntley
George W Hushman
Don R Husky
Frank C Hutsel
Dwight F Ilsley
Lee T Irvine
Harold E Isenhart
Manuel P Jacobi
Edward J Jacobs
Arnold T Jacobsen
Edwin H Japp
William. Jaramillo
Emol Jaure
John Jeloughan
Horace M Jenkins
Lavor H Jenkins
Norman M Jensen
Howard B Jenson
Robert E Jesser
Kenneth Jewell
Edwin R Johnson
James S Johnson
Willard C Johnson
Buddy A Jones
Charles Jones
Irvin E Jones
Que D Jones
William P Jones
Nick Jurich
Earl L Kahler
Charles W Kant
Carl Karell
Cike C Kawano
Woodrow M Keith
Harvey W Kelly
Samuel S Kendrick
Vincent A Kepler
James R Kilburn
Vernon H Killian
Eugene S Kimbro
Arnold T King
Bruce R King
Garrett C King
John V King
Willis L Kinnison
Francis L Kitchel
William L Kizzire
Thomas A Knight
Conrad Koch
John J Kocherhans
Bruce P Kopriva
Walter Kozel
Robert H Kraft
Thomas Kragovich
George C Kuykendall
John J Liska
Follette Benjamin La
Rose Ernest La
Eldon A Lake
John D Lamphan
Charles R Lane
Edward W Lane
Leland L Lane
Tony M Larez
Donald L Larsen
Everett W Larson
Joseph E Larson
William A Ledford
Edward F Lee
Samuel A Leftwich
Frank Legerski
Merle E Lester
John Levkulich
James L Lewis
Melvin F Likes
James R Lindsey
Kenneth C Lindsey
George E Linton
John J Liska
Crow Joe Little
Raymond P Livingston
Raymond D Lofing
John E Logan
George D Loghry
John E Long
Harry W Loose
Frank T Lopez
Truman R Lord
Leroy E Loudon
Ernest O Lovato
Jose D Lovato
Harry G Lowman
Bernard R Lucas
William C Lucas
Ralph D Luers
Arvo A Luoma
Vernon L Luther
Howard W Lynde
Lean John Mac
Theodore W Madding
Arnold Madsen
Floyd A Maese
James P Mahoney
Joseph Malinowski
Legrande T Mangus
Theodore J Manias
James W Mann
Wilfrid L Marceau
Fay F Marlatt
George W Marsh
Jesse J Marshall
Robert E Martin
Russell A Martin
William B Martin
Daniel M Martinez
Pete D Martinez
Sam Martinez
Walter A Marx
Albert L Mason
John M Mason
Leroy D Mason
Walter L Mason
Joseph D Massey
George K Materi
Charles M Mathews
Sigurd M Matson
Henry Maul
Glen I Mayer
Sam A Mc Bride
Edward H. Mc Carthy
F. C. Mc Clanahan
James W Mc Clellan
William B Mc Clellan
William Mc Cormick
Gayle B Mc Cowan
Lyle S Mc Coy
Howard O Mc Donald
James J Mc Donald
James S Mc Donald
Donald J Mc Dougall
John A Mc Farland
John C Mc Gargal
Raphael R Mc Gauran
Victor H Mc Gregor
William D Mc Kibben
George W Mc Millan
Andrew F Mc Phie
William Arthur Mc Vay
Harold C Megeath
Fred J Meller
Mark W Mercer
Burt F Meyers
Albert E Miller
Frank E Miller
Fred J Miller
Harold W Miller
James F Miller
Leonard S Miller
Quentin D Miller
Forest L Miner
Lawrence A Moline
Edward Monjaras
John C Mooney
Ray A Moore
Delbert M More
William R Morell
Gerald E Morris
Hugh E Morrow
William C Morrow
George H Mosey
Shirley L Moss
Harry F Mulkey
Clarence J Mullock
Vincent J Mulvaney
Robert L Mundschenk
John Munoz
John Murphy
Lloyd G Murphy
William P Murrell
Francis D Musgrave
Jim Nacata
Alma R Nebel
Olin D Neil
Arthur O Newcomb
Ivan L Newman
Marvin C Niederjohn
George F Niethammer
William J Niland
Winfield F Niles
Herbert L Norman
Richard M Norval
Albert J Novicki
Jack J O'Connell
Thomas B O'Donnell
James S Orr
Clayton L Oelke
R L Offenbacher
Thomas S Offutt
Marvin C Olson
Richard F Olson
Jose V Orosco
Arthur R Osborn
Ernest E Osborne
Francis Osborne
Charles V Owen
Mark F Packard
Paul W Packer
Leonard C Palmer
Kenneth R Parish
Leroy F Parker
James Pasquali
Milton A Paterson
Frederick C Patterson
Wayne E Patterson
Ballard H Pead
Bill D Pease
Paul R Peasley
George D Peck
Herbert J Peck
Ernest E Pelser
Roy A Pelster
Gerald H Penley
Donald E Pennock
Michael S Peppinger
Floyd T Perkins
Harold G Phillips
Alexander L Piasecki
Carter A Pietsch
Joe Pingitzer
James R Plane
Lloyd E Poehler
LaVern A Pollat
Leroy J Porter
Dale A Pounds
Garland R Powers
Theodore Powers
Kenneth D Prater
Woodrow W Pratt
Charles W Price
John B Price
Hyrum P Pringle
Robert C Pullin
Forest M Putnam
Mervin E Radke
John L Rannells
William E Ratcliffe
John A Rauzi
Lyle O Realing
Edgar W Redinger
Paul R Redman
Sherman Redman
Raymond F Regelin
Carroll B Rettstatt
Lucien H Rettstatt
Samuel E Reydale
Daryl W Rich
James Richards
Floyd J Richardson
W Richardson
Grover K Ries
Lewis O Riley
Dario Rizzi
Ernest W Robbins
Lamoine F Roberts
Robert N Robertson
William G Robertson
William J Robertson
Thomas W Rodman
Robert Rodriguez
Michael P Rodzinak
George W Roe
Ralph G Roll
Kendrick F Roney
Louie Rosetti
Leonard V Ross
Anthony F Rosson
Charlie J Roybal
Gomer S Ruhlman
Arthur Ruley
Maurice J Rupe
Alexander Rushin
Doyle L Russell
Everard E Russell
John W Saari
George F Sailer
George W Sains
Charles F Salisbury
Irving C Salisbury
Blas Sanchez
M L Sanchez
T G Sandercock
Calvin V Sarchet
Warren E Sauter
Jack E Savage
Albert L Sayer
Edgar A Scheffer
Oscar N Scherer
William Schilling
Herman Schmidt
Russel P Schryer
Robert J Schulte
Howard L Schultz
Florn W Schutt
R E Schwartzkoph
F H Schweighart
Ellis E Scott
Glenclon L Scott
Harol A Scott
Robert K Scott
Francis M See
Toll Seike
Eugene W Sell
James Selvage
Donald A Shaul
Lamond C Shaw
William D Sheehan
Harold R Shelden
Leonard A Short
Arnold E Siegel
Uvijildo Silva
Donald W Simonson
Jack M Simpson
Newton H Simpson
Leroy M Siray
Boyd F Skinner
Everett B Slagle
Robert E Slagle
Russell C Slaughter
Truman A Slinkard
William L Smart
Robert W Smee
David M Smith
Floyd E Smith
Orval Sommers
Jack A Spaulding
Charles W Spens
Michael P Spillane
Gordon L Springsteen
Wayne P Squires
James W St. John
James W Stack
Lee P Staley
Harold A Stambaugh
Leo E Stambaugh
Pete T Stanisheff
Cornell J Stanton
Charles A Steele
Walter C Stein
Earl Z Steinbrink
Frank C Stetz
Albert E Stevens
Richard D Stevens
Harry E Stevenson
Joseph F Stevenson
James O Still
Walter J Stitzel
Raymond F Stockstill
Robert E Stoddard
Cleo R Stoecer
Earl Stopher
John P Stopka
Calvin R Stout
Robert F Stout
Roy A Stout
William H Streeter
Stanley Strock
Arthur J Strouts
Michael J Studer
Dareld A Studey
Curtis A Sumner
James A Sureson
Alan J Sutherland
Ray E. Swickhamer
Raymus M Syler
Albert Tait
William H Taketa
Robert G Tallman
Kei Tanahashi
Alexander Taylor
Charles E Taylor
Jack A Terry
Jack C Thacker
Raymond Theisen
Charles E Thero
Karl E Thero
Lloyd W Thieman
Vern W Thomas
William L Thomas
James W Thompson
Kenneth L Thompson
Lloyd Thompson
Weldon Thompson
John S Thomson
Kenneth K Thornburg
Ross L Thornock
W E Throckmorton
Leroy T Tippetts
Roy A Todd
John R Toole
Eldred Trachta
Jerry E Tripp
William Trosper
Paul P Trujillo
Adolph Turk
Floyd E Turner
Robert C Turner
Jack S Twiford
Joseph L Valdez
Arthur J Valhusky
Irwin H Van Waning
Dean G Vanderhoff
John A Vannoy
Arthur J Veronda
Kenneth L Vesey
Raymond E Vinson
Arthur A Voecks
Carl V Voight
Eldon E Vondra
Lee Wadda
Roy E Waddell
Robert T Wagner
Laverne Wagon
Harry E Walker
Harry O Walker
Robert B Walker
Richard H Wallenstein
Charles Wannamaker
Charles A Wardle
Frank E Warfield
Robert D Warren
Harold E Watson
Samuel V Watt
Kenneth K Way
William D Weaver
Jim F Webb
Benjamin T Weber
Henry Wegele
William B Wehrli
Ralph H Wells
Harold E Wendling
Louis C Werbelow
Joseph W Werner
Sylvan R West
Ralph F Wenz
Charles R Wheeler
Thomas W White
William D White
Wallace A Whitehead
Robert C Whitman
William T Whitman
For the Korean War:
Allen G AndersonClifford E Baker
Ted Barnes
Kenneth R Barnhill
Neil B Baxter
Malcom L Budd
Leonard W Clark
James E Clay
Ray P Cowdin
Courtenay C Davis
Donald L Dewees
Paul R Diana
Anthony D Duram
Bill Elsom
Robert A Finch
Kenneth Finlayson
Richard Friedlund
Fred N Garcia
Joseph G Garcia
John H Green
Edward W Harper
Thomas R Harris
Robert Hessenflow
Donald G Hill
George B Hittner
John D Hoke
John L Horn
Roselio Jaramillo
Kenneth C Johnson
James L Jones
Demaret Kirtley
David H Kuiper
Edgar J Larson
Robert I Lewis
Raymond J Lieb
Charles E Lunbeck
Clinton Mclaughlin
Thomas Mitchelson
Philip P Neary
Camerino Perea
Clifford F Pratt
Charles E Robb
Lloyd G Rogers
Robert L Roszek
Helmar O Rusth
Russell E Smith
William Sonnamaker
John A Swanson
Ervin J Taylor
Maynard H Thompson
Clark M Tilton
Edward E Toner
Darold D Urbanski
Pablo J Vigil
Freeman Wadsworth
Elmer L Wells
Leland H Wolf
Samuel L Wolfe
For the Vietnam War:
John H Aldrich
Elton G Anderson
Curtis L Ando
Ernest C Balland
James F Barnes
Robert E Barnes
James L Barton
Gary E Bartz
Michael R Beck
Raymond E Benson
Craig S Blackner
Seven Boal
Edward R Braun
Kenneth L Brown
Richard S Brown
Gilbert B Bush
Canelario P Bustos
Jerry D Byers
Leroy R Cardenas
Donald E Carpenter
Richard P Cazin
Donald W Chipp
Merrell J Clayburn
Harry B Coen
Orville D Cooley
Gilland Corbitt
Dennis C Cressy
Robert G Crichton
John A Cukale,
Frank M Darling
Samuel L Dellos
Lonnie A Dykes
Martin L Emerson
Richard L Endicott
William B Esslinger
Bennett E Evans
Lawrence G Evert
Allen L Faler
Dennis B Farris
Ronald G Ferris
Terry L Fetzer
Donald L Ford
Gary D Fox
Gary J Fuqua
Walis W Garst
Harold L Gibson
Randall J Glasspoole
William B Graves
Joe W Green
Lawrence B Green
Robert W Grove
Robert F Guthrie
Edward C Haggerty
Walter E Handy
Barry A Hansen
George R Harrison
Joseph L Hart
Robert Herrid
Carlton J Holland
Donald E Jarrett
Bruce A Jensen
Dale W Johnson
Richard T Kastner
Dennis D King
Kenneth W King
Robert S Knadler
Terry V Knight
John W Kobelin
Beatrice Kosin
Ray Krogman
Daniel R Laird
Victor R Landes
Leslie J Lantos
Terrance H Larson
Elmer D Lauck
Edward L Lawton
David G Lucas
Jose L Lujan
Daniel W Margrave
Craig T Marrington
Richard M Martin
Henry E Maul
Robert F Maurer
Leonard D May
William J McAtee
Lester McCabe
Earl E McCarthy
William T McCormick
Edward McNally
Emil M Miltnovich
Pedro R Montanez
Norman L Moore
Robert L Morganflash
Weldon D Moss
Vernon W Nix
Daniel J Orlikowski
Larry R Owens
Joseph A Padilla
James E Pantier
Pablo Patino
Doublas T Patrick
Richard P Powers
Charles W Reberg
Oliver E Reynolds
Robert Rex
Philip O Robinson
Douglas E Rogers
Robert R Rogers
Robert E Romero
Charles S Roy
Ralph T Sands
Timothy J Saunders
Donald B Schroeder
Roger L Scott
William D Selders
Ronald A Shadoan
Robert L Shuck
Thomas W Skiles
Benjamin E Slagowski
Stephen E Slocum
Dennis W Smith
Roy J Snyder
James E Steadman
Stephen W Stark
Edward B Steele
Ronald R Stewart
Alma J Stumpp
Richard J Sweeney
Richard E Tabor
Ernest E Taylor
Lawrence D Torrez
Joseph B Walker
Andrew J Wantulok
Larry L Warnock
Dennis R Wartchow
Walter Washut
Albert O Wayman
Dennis W Wear
James C Wilson
William M WilsonFor the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan:
James Arellano
Kyle Burns
Brian Bland
Shane Childers
Manuel Davila
Michael Deuel
Jonn Edmunds
Robert Lucero
Joseph Mayek
Charles Munier
Leif Nott
Chance Phelps
Brendon Reiss
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