Saturday, December 1, 2018

Belleau Wood, France

These are photographs of the American memorial at Belleau Wood, the site of the epic 1918 battle involving American ground troops for which the Marine Corps is particularly well remembered.  The photographs include the memorial chapel and cemetery, as well as scenes of the battlefield itself.

MKTH photographs

 Lt. J.G. Weeden E. Osborne won the posthumous Medal of Honor for his actions in trying to carry a wounded officer to safety.  Osborne was a dentist assigned to the Marine Corps.

During World War Two a battle was fought at the cemetery and this corner of the monument received a hit from a projectile fired from a tank.  Such projectiles are typically armored piercing, which explains the penetration, but which also explains shy the shell was not explosive.

The famous hunting lodge that was fought over in the Wood.

Monday, November 26, 2018

St. Joan D'Arc, Notre Dame de Paris

Memorial to St. Joan D'Arc, the patron saint of France, at the Cathedral de Notre Dame de Paris.

MKTH photographs.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Le Grande Tombe de Villaroy, ÃŽle-de-France, France.

This monument in the ÃŽle-de-France region of France marks an ossuary which contains the remains of, among others, French poet Charles Peguy.

Peguy was a 32 year old Lieutenant in the 19e compagnie du 276e régiment d'infanterie when he was killed at the Chauconin-Neufmontiers on September 5, 1914.  His remains, and that of 133 other French soldiers, killed in the same battle are interned in this common grave.  The remains include those of solders who were part of the  231e 246e 276e regiments.  There are, not surprisingly, over 30 remains from unidentified French soldiers.

The monument was erected in 1932.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Korea and Vietnam War Memorial, Wheatland Wyoming

This is the a memorial to the servicemen of Platte County, Wyoming, who served in the Vietnam and Korean Wars.

Oddly, it depicts a solider carrying a M1917 Enfield, which hadn't seen service since World War Two, and which is much more associated with World War One..  Additionally, the soldier depicted is wearing the short jacket usually referred to as an "Ike" Jacket, which came in right at the end of World War Two and which went out of service in the 1950s.

The memorial is located at the Platte County Public Library.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Courthouses of the West: Platte County Courthouse, Wheatland Wyoming. Platte County, Wyoming Centennial.

Platte County Courthouse, Wheatland Wyoming

I've photographed this courthouse and its features at least three times. The first time was on a dreary July day in 2011.  I did it again in May 2014.  These most recent photographs are from November 2018.

A difference over this period of time is that a plaque commemorating the 100th anniversary of the founding of Platte County, which was in 1911, was put in. Additionally, a nice sidewalk clock was added on the walkway to the entrance of the courthouse.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Courthouses of the West: Platte County Courthouse, Wheatland Wyoming. The Irrigator

Platte County Courthouse, Wheatland Wyoming

This is the Platte County Courthouse located in Platte County's seat, Wheatland Wyoming. The courthouse, in addition to housing the county court for Platte County, also houses one of the four courtrooms of Wyoming's 8th Judicial District, with the others being located in Douglas, Lusk and Torrington. The courthouse was built in 1917, and somewhat uniquely it has a monument dedicated to farmers called "The Irrigator". The Statute of Liberty is a monument for Platte County World War Two servicemen.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Platte County Wyoming World War Two Service memorial

Listing all who served during World War Two from Platte County, Wyoming.

New photographs added on November 13, 2018.