Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Thermopolis Historical Museum Veterans Memorial, Thermopolis Wyoming

This is the Veterans' Memorial outside of the Historical Museum in Thermopolis Wyoming.  The memorial features a M2 105mm howitzer.

Old Trail Town Cemetary, Cody Wyoming

 This is the cemetery at the Old Trail Town in Cody Wyoming. The cemetery includes the graves and markers for several well known frontiersmen.

 This is the marker for John "Liver Eating" Johnson, more popularly known ad "Jeremiah" Johnson due to the film.  Johnson was a cavalryman, mountain man, and in later years, a law man in Wyoming and Montana.  His marker is marked with, in addition to his name and nickname, "No more trails".

 Marker for Jim White, buffalo hunter

Markers for Floyd Stillings, early rodeo cowboy, and William Garlow "Cody", grandchild of Buffalo Bill Cody and attorney in Big Horn County Wyoming.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Wyoming National Guard Headquaters Displays, Cheyenne, Wyoming.

F86D at Wyoming National Guard Headquarters, Cheyenne Wyoming

M7 105 Howitzer Carriage

These displays are at the Wyoming National Guard Headquarters in  Cheyenne, Wyoming. Both displays commemorate the Wyoming National Guard, Air and Army, during the 1950s.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Shoshone Forest Fire of August 21, 1937 Memorial (Blackwater Fire)

This memorial is to the Civilian Conservation Corps, United States Forest Service, and Bureau of Public Roads men who died in the Blackwater Fire of 1937.  The fire is the fourth deadliest forest fire in the U.S. history.

John E. Boltz Memorial, Washakie County Wyoming.

Memorial to Wyoming Department of Transportation engineer John E. Boltz, who was killed in a construction accident near where this memorial is located.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pioneer Plaza, Casper Wyoming

This is Pioneer Plaza, in Casper Wyoming. The small park is dedicated to the memory of pioneers.  The park is across the street from both the old and new Natrona County courthouses, although the obelisk itself was once in front of the county's first courthouse, which was removed long ago. 

 While the oldest feature of the small park dates from 1911, the park itself was dedicated in 1967.

The sheep commemorate the sheep ranching industry that was once so prominent in Natrona County, Wyoming.