
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Le Grande Tombe de Villaroy, Île-de-France, France.

This monument in the Île-de-France region of France marks an ossuary which contains the remains of, among others, French poet Charles Peguy.

Peguy was a 32 year old Lieutenant in the 19e compagnie du 276e régiment d'infanterie when he was killed at the Chauconin-Neufmontiers on September 5, 1914.  His remains, and that of 133 other French soldiers, killed in the same battle are interned in this common grave.  The remains include those of solders who were part of the  231e 246e 276e regiments.  There are, not surprisingly, over 30 remains from unidentified French soldiers.

The monument was erected in 1932.

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