
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Caspar Collins, Casper Wyoming

This is a statute of Caspar Collins, as Casper Wyoming's All Events Center. Casper is named after Collins, who lost his life in the 1865 battle of Platte Bridge Station, which is the subject of other memorials at Fort Caspar and in Mills, Wyoming.

This is a remarkable statute, and fairly accurately depicts Collin's dress on that day. Not expecting to survive the battle, in which the 11th Ohio Cavalry lieutenant volunteered to lead troops of the 11th Kansas Cavalry into a desperate fight to rescue an oncoming Army wagon train (which would be engaged in the Battle of Red Buttes later that day) , he dressed in his best uniform. Collins was not stationed at Platte Bridge Station, and his volunteering was heroic, if doomed.Link

1 comment:

  1. We loaded the statue from the studio in 1981 and i accidentally broke a spur on his foot the artist got mad and patched it i felt bad for doing it but i kind of made my mark on it. Sorry casper
